How to Participate in our Twitter Chat

You've probably noticed announcements on Twitter, if you're a frequent user, inviting you to a free Twitter chat. Twitter chats are live community discussions that take place within a hashtag at a specified time.

Twitter chat formats vary. Some are run as community question and answer, guest interviews, or casual interviews.

1 Log into Twitter, Tweetdeck, or any other Twitter tool that lets you isolate a hashtag.

2 Follow the Twitter hashtag where the chat is taking place, in this case #DisabledBlackTalk.

In Twitter you can use the search at the top of the screen, once you’re logged in, you’ll see an area for you to enter the hashtag at the top of the screen.

In Tweetdeck, you can create a column that searches for only that hashtag.

3 Arrive early if you'd like to introduce yourself. Some chats have this as the first question, others take the first 15 minutes to visit with each other.

There are also some that post rules and get to know each other prior to the official start of the chat that night.

Get comfortable , talk about what’s going on with you and meet other chatters before the chat starts.

4 (Optional) Follow the moderators, the guest if any, and regular chatters.

This way, you can easily follow the conversation, send questions during the chat, or follow up later.

5 Participate in the chat as little or as much as is appropriate. Our chat is directed at Disabled Black people and it's important to respect our space - please observe our rules and guidelines. However, anyone is welcome to retweet or favorite the chat to help spread the message.

Have fun!  Our twitter chats are meant to be educational, sure, but also lighter fare than a teleconference or webinar.

Don’t forget-  10pm Eastern on Thursdays! (Sometimes we start as early as 9 pm. We're working on settling on a permanent time, as well as a reminder process.)

About Disabled Black Talk
Our Chat's Rules and Guidelines