Questions for Tonight's #DisabledBlackTalk on Pain & Fatigue

There's a Twitter chat tonight at 9:30 pm ET for the #DisabledBlackTalk community. We're going to be talking about pain & fatigue including

  • How Pain Affects Fatigue
  • How you live your life when you don't know how you'll feel until you wake up
  • When fatigue appears alone

At the start of our chat, we always have a Question Zero (Q0), that allows us to get to know other people in the community and introduce ourselves.

Below, I'm going to list tonight's questions as well as the approximate time they should appear on the TL. This way, if you like, you can go to Twitter's web page, or the Tweetdeck site, or Buffer/Hootsuite/other scheduling app and set up your questions in advance.

For me, this takes a lot of time, attention or energy pressure off me, and allows me to spend more of the chat mingling and uplifting other voices.

The Questions

[9:35p ET]
Q0. What does your handle/screen name mean? What's your favorite non-alcoholic drink? #BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

(No need to disclose any diagnoses or symptoms if you'd rather not.)

[9:40p ET]
Q1. How often do you experience #fatigue, with or without your pain? Is there a difference for you physically when pain shows up with the fatigue vs without? #BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

[9:50p ET]
Q2. Does experiencing #fatigue ever result in being stereotyped? Either within Black communities or not. How does that affect you?
#BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

[10:00p ET]
Q3. How do you see the difference between being tired and being fatigued?
#BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

[10:10p ET]
Q4. Many of us have variable pain & fatigue. How do you handle your schedule when you don't know when your body will co-operate from day to day?
#BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

[10:20p ET]
Q5. How having does pain and/or fatigue interfere with being treated, especially as a Black person?
#BlackFatigue #DisabledBlackTalk

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